In Gratitude...
Thank you for the wonderful support you have given me with this campaign. We put a lot of effort and time into a strong campaign, which is reflected in the close final results. I could not have asked for a better journey, and I am deeply grateful for the friends who have helped me and the new friends I have made.
There is no regret for a day of this campaign. I think the results showed that Garfield County is on the cusp of a new direction and different tomorrow. I hope that the messages I pushed in my campaign are embraced by the current commissioners. I have already heard discussion on finding ways to improve transportation on the western side of the county, and I have seen efforts to move quickly on broadband expansion and access.
On initiative 112, I have faith that our new Governor Jared Polis is solid in his conviction that we need a bigger setback from our homes for oil and gas extraction, and he will work to change the current regulations.
I see a different economic future for this county, and I plan to continue to work on opening those doors to new industry that will provide more balance and opportunities for the people and the towns in our county.
What’s next? I’m not sure, but this year’s experiences will be a part of my future. Each of our towns is so distinct in its personalities, but there is so much we can work on together for the best future for the entire county.
-Paula Stepp
Businesswoman Paula Stepp offers a clear, new alternative to the Board of Garfield County Commissioners
Paula Stepp wants to bring the different voices of our county together to work collaboratively for a better county today and a better future for this county tomorrow.
Working as associate publisher for Big Stone Publishing in Carbondale for the last six years, Paula created partnerships linking the mutual success of outdoor industry businesses, the Big Stone magazines and the passion of their readers. She built partnerships over time, with commitment, integrity, trust and creativity.
Learn more about Paula Stepp